Schnelligkeitstraining Fussball mit Widerstandsgurt

What are the 5 most effective speed exercises?

Speed ​​is extremely important in every football game. That's why we're showing you our top 5 speed exercises for footballers, so that you can get to the ball one step ahead of your opponents. Of course, speed is also largely genetic, but you can get the most out of yourself with targeted exercises. Above all, football is not primarily about long sprints, but about how quickly you can change direction, slow down, etc.

First of all, we recommend that you pick three exercises per speed training and then perform them cleanly.

1. Exercises with the ladder

(As of today, we would no longer recommend it for speed - but it is helpful for coordination 04.07.2024 Team 360Football).

When doing exercises with the ladder, you train your coordination as well as your step frequency. These components are very important for your speed. That's why we recommend that you do various ladder exercises followed by a short 100% sprint. Do a total of between 8-12 sprints (repetitions).

2. Sprints with changes of direction

In football, you constantly have to change direction abruptly. That's why it's important to incorporate sprints with quick changes of direction into your training. With a few cones, such an exercise can be set up quickly. Again, we recommend between 8-12 sprints (repetitions).

3. Stop-and-Go

This is about stop and go (stopping and accelerating). In a football game, you often have to stop and then sprint again immediately depending on the situation. To do this really explosively, you need the necessary practice and the necessary muscles. That's why you should always incorporate a stop and go movement into your speed training. Again, 8-12 sprints (repetitions).

4. Become Explosive

Here, your fast muscle fibers should be activated to the maximum. In the starting position, you go down on your knees and jump up abruptly without supporting yourself with your hands, and then do a short sprint. (8-12 sprints)

5. Bonus: Sprints with resistance

As a bonus exercise, we have sprints with resistance for you. Sprints with resistance can help you challenge your muscles even more. However, the distance in the video is a bit too short. If possible, sprint slightly longer distances with resistance.

In summary, you should train your speed at least once a week if you want to reach your full potential. It is also important that you give 100% in every sprint and then take enough rest between sprints so that you can give 100% again.


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