Wie oft trainieren Fussballprofis

How often do professional footballers train?


Professional football players are subject to an intensive training programme aimed at maximising their physical fitness, technical skills and tactical understanding. The training frequency varies depending on the phase of the season, the match schedule and the individual requirements of the club and the coach. This article will discuss the most important aspects of the training volume of professional footballers, including the frequency of training per day and per week.

Training volume and intensity

Daily training

Professional footballers usually train once or twice a day. Daily training includes various components such as technical training, tactical exercises, strength training and regeneration. In the morning, technical and tactical training is often the focus, while in the afternoon, strength and conditioning training and regeneration exercises follow. This division allows players to focus on different aspects of their game while recovering optimally.

Training tomorrow

Morning training often begins with a warm-up program consisting of light running exercises, stretching exercises and mobility exercises. This is followed by technical training, which involves practicing passing, dribbling, shooting and ball control. Tactical exercises and game forms that improve game understanding and team coordination are also part of morning training.

Afternoon training

In the afternoon, the focus is on strength and conditioning training. This includes exercises to strengthen the muscles, improve endurance and increase speed. In addition, regeneration exercises such as stretching, yoga or light jogging are important to relax the muscles and prevent injuries.

Weekly training

Professional footballers usually train five to six times a week, with one to two days set aside for recovery. The training week is structured to allow players sufficient recovery while improving physical fitness and tactical understanding.

Structure of the training week

  1. Monday: Technical and tactical training
  2. Tuesday: Conditioning and strength training
  3. Wednesday: Match preparation and tactical exercises
  4. Thursday: Technical training and game forms
  5. Friday: Light training and regeneration
  6. Saturday: Match day or intensive training
  7. Sunday: Rest or light regeneration training

Seasonal training adjustments

Preparatory season

During the preparatory season, the focus is on building basic endurance and improving physical fitness. Training is particularly intensive during this phase in order to prepare the players as best as possible for the upcoming season. Football professionals usually train twice a day during this time.

Competition season

During the competitive season, training is adapted to prepare players for weekly matches while maintaining fitness. The intensity of training varies depending on the match schedule, with the days after a match being used for recovery and light exercise, while more intense training is carried out on non-match days.

Transition phase

In the transition phase, between the end of one season and the start of preparation for the next, training is less intensive. This phase is for rest and regeneration. Football professionals use this time to heal minor injuries and prepare mentally for the coming season.

Individualized training plans

The training plans of professional footballers are individually tailored to meet the specific needs of each player. Factors such as position, physical condition, injury history and personal goals play an important role in creating a tailor-made training plan.

Examples of individualized training content

  • Goalkeepers: Specific training to improve reaction time, jumping power and hand-eye coordination.
  • Defenders: Exercises to strengthen defensive skills, positional play and tackling.
  • Midfielder: Combination of endurance training, tactical understanding and ball control.
  • Striker: Focus on speed, finishing and positional play in attack.


Professional football players typically train once or twice a day and five to six times a week, with training adapted to the different phases of the season. Training plans are individually designed to take into account the specific needs and goals of the players. A balance between intensive training and sufficient recovery is crucial for the long-term performance and health of the players.

360Football Soccer Training Plan

At 360Football we offer tailor-made training plans that are tailored to the individual needs and goals of the players. Our program "LevelUpYourGame" is specifically designed to improve your football skills and prepare you optimally for the challenges of the game. Find out more about our training program on our website: 360Football Training Plan "LevelUpYourGame" .

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