Zvonko Barac von teamzfootball ist auf drei Bildern zu sehen

360Football in the Bern region: private training with teamzFootball (Zvonko Barac)

Zvonko Barac fromzFootball can be seen in action on three pictures side by side

We at 360Football are pleased to announce our collaboration with TeamzFootball.

TeamzFootball is managed by Zvonko Barac and, like us, offers individual football training , private football training and personal football training in the Bern region. He has extensive experience as both a personal and team trainer. The collaboration between 360Football and TeamzFootball has so far worked very well on both a personal and professional level. We share the same training philosophy and are therefore convinced that we will continue to maintain a pleasant cooperation through the synergies of our teams.

That's why we're happy to be working with such an experienced and talented coach. We've joined forces to expand our offering and to be able to offer you, as a footballer in the Bern region, the best possible quality of additional training.

TeamzFootball will also be able to sell our 360Football supplements in the Bern region and offer them to its players. So when you go to Zvonko's training, you can treat yourself to our supplements right there on site.

We will keep you posted and provide further updates on our collaboration.

If you have any further questions or are interested in private training , please do not hesitate to contact us.

Jan & Nic from 360Football

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