Update zum neuen Trainingsprogramm

Update on the new training program

We have been in the process of creating a new training program for footballers for a few months now. The aim is to ensure that, in addition to team training, you train specifically, efficiently and effectively in order to achieve your footballing goals much more quickly.

What will you find in the training plan ?

  • Exercise videos on every relevant topic, such as technique training, speed training, strength training, endurance training, etc. with the most effective exercises, precise explanations and voice over.
  • An eBook with helpful training tips for planning and exercises.
  • WhatsApp support from us for any training questions
  • Bonus material
  • And much more!

If you can't wait any longer, I suggest you take a look at our existing training plan and start immediately.

In the video we show you first impressions of the new plan:

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360 Training Blog

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