Explosives Beintraining zu Hause

Explosive leg training at home

Today's video is about how you can really challenge your legs in explosive areas at home and without any equipment .

To become a fast, agile and explosive soccer player, it is essential that you perform leg strength exercises. There are different approaches, but today we'll show you a simple and effective way to quickly make progress and feel much fitter, more agile and more explosive.

There are exactly three exercises that we recommend that you do 1-2 times a week. 20 minutes of training time is enough for you. Do 6-8 repetitions 3x per exercise and make sure to give 100% for each individual repetition (otherwise explosive strength training will be of no use). At the beginning you have to memorize the movement patterns, but with a little practice you can use these very effective exercises to your advantage. Good luck with your training!

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