Schule und Fussball unter einen Hut bringen

Football and school - How to successfully combine both

For many young footballers, it can be a challenge to combine training with school commitments. But with the right organization and prioritization, it is possible to be successful in both areas. In this blog post, we give you valuable tips on how to optimally combine football and school.

Time management is key

The most important factor in successfully combining football and school is effective time management. Here are some tips that can help you:

  1. Create a schedule: Plan your week in advance and include training times, school lessons, homework and leisure activities. A structured schedule will help you keep track of things and avoid stress.

  2. Set priorities: Find out which tasks are most important and do them first. Learn to reduce or eliminate unimportant activities to have more time for your priorities.

  3. Use breaks effectively: Use short breaks between school lessons or training sessions to complete smaller tasks, such as learning vocabulary or preparing homework.

  4. Use the way to training: If you go to training by train or bus, use the time to do school work.

Communication with teachers and trainers

Open communication with your teachers and coaches is crucial to gaining understanding and support. Let them know that you play soccer at a high level and explain how important it is for you to combine the two.

  1. Inform teachers: Talk to your teachers about your sporting activities and ask for support when it comes to managing schoolwork. Many teachers are willing to accommodate you if they know you are working seriously to balance the two.

  2. Involve your trainers: Inform your trainers about school commitments and possible exam times. A good trainer will be understanding and help you to adapt your training accordingly if necessary in an emergency.

Effective learning and training

It is important that you work efficiently and with focus both in school and on the football field. Here are some tips on how you can optimize your learning and training methods:

  1. Adapt learning methods: Find out which learning methods work best for you. This could be creating mind maps, learning in groups or using online resources.

  2. Targeted training: Be fully involved in every training session! Efficient training means that you can achieve more in less time.

Sufficient rest and relaxation

Remember that rest and recovery are just as important as studying and training. Your body and mind need enough sleep and recovery to function optimally.

  1. Establish a sleep routine: Make sure you get enough sleep every night. A consistent sleep routine can help you sleep better and feel more rested.

  2. Schedule rest breaks: Schedule regular breaks into your daily routine to relax and reduce stress.


With the right strategies and good organization, you can be successful both in school and in soccer. Time management, open communication and efficient work are the keys to success.

At 360Football, we know this topic only too well from our own experience. All of our coaches have completed training and played football at the highest level. We understand the challenges that young footballers face very well and can help you to manage them better. Our experts are on hand to give you advice and support to avoid stress and achieve your goals. Working with us means that you benefit from our knowledge and experience and can successfully master both worlds - school and football.

Jan and Nic are in the 360Footballarena (football indoor hall in Zurich)

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