Sommervorbereitung für Fussballer

Summer preparation for footballers: How to dominate the new season

The summer break is a crucial time for footballers. It offers the opportunity to recover, heal injuries and prepare optimally for the coming season. But how do you best use this time? In this blog post, you will learn how to optimally plan your summer preparation and which training content is particularly important.

How much break after the season?

After an intense season, it is important to give your body and mind a break. We recommend a one to two week break, depending on your personal preference and physical condition. This recovery period is crucial to regenerate your body and prevent injuries. This time allows you to fully recover before starting training again.

Why the break is so important

The body needs this rest period to recover from the stress of the previous season. Muscular and mental exhaustion can only be completely eliminated through sufficient rest periods. The break also helps to heal injuries and recharge your batteries for the coming season.

Important training content in preparation

After the recovery phase, it is time to prepare individually for the coming season. There are a few key points that are particularly important.

Speed ​​and explosiveness

Speed ​​and explosiveness are crucial skills in football. They can often make the difference between winning and losing. During preparation, you have the opportunity to work specifically on these skills. One or two training sessions per week that focus specifically on speed and explosiveness are ideal. You can incorporate sprints, plyometric exercises and specific drills.

Benefits of speed and explosiveness training

  • Acceleration & speed: You will naturally become more explosive in the first few meters and can improve your top speed.
  • Injury prevention: Sprints and jumps are also a great way to prevent injuries.
  • And more: The training makes you generally fitter and ready for the challenges of the new season.

Endurance training

Endurance is another important aspect of preparation. If you already have a good endurance base, we recommend focusing more on interval training. This training method combines intense sprints with recovery phases and improves both aerobic and anaerobic capacity.

Benefits of interval training

  • Improved cardiovascular health: Your heart will be strengthened and endurance will improve.
  • Effective calorie consumption: Interval training is efficient and helps to burn a lot of calories in a short time - especially if you have gained some weight during the holidays.
  • Increased game fitness: You will be able to maintain a high level of intensity throughout the game.

Individual training with the ball

Summer pre-season also offers the perfect opportunity to work specifically on the ball. Use the time to practice position-specific skills. Wingers can work on their dribbling and finishing, while centre-backs can improve their long balls and defensive skills.

Advantages of individual training with the ball

  • Improved technique: Your ball control and technique are optimized through targeted training.
  • Position-specific development: You can develop specific skills that are particularly important in your position.
  • Self-confidence: By training your strengths you gain self-confidence, which has a positive effect on your game.

Recommendation: Individual football training at 360Football

For optimal preparation, we recommend taking part in individual football training in addition to your own training. At 360Football, we offer personalized training programs that are tailored exactly to your needs. Our experienced team of trainers has already successfully trained hundreds of players, from juniors to professionals and Swiss national team players.

Advantages of individual training at 360Football

  • Individual support: Our team of trainers creates tailor-made training plans that are tailored to your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Professional expertise: Benefit from the experience and knowledge of our trainers to reach your full potential.
  • Flexibility: Train when it suits you best.


Summer preparation is an important phase to prepare optimally for the new season. With a balanced mix of recovery and targeted training, you can increase your performance and maximize your chances on the pitch. Use the tips and recommendations from this blog post to prepare yourself as best as possible and get started with 360Football.

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