Partnerschaft mit Coachbetter

Partnership with Coachbetter

We are proud to announce another partnership: with the Swiss football coaching startup " Coachbetter ". This blog post is therefore particularly interesting for football trainers and coaches.

What is Coachbetter?

“Coachbetter – Your Digital Co-Trainer” is a platform that supports modern football coaches with training planning and team management. Coachbetter offers training packages and activities structured by focus, as well as a high-quality knowledge pool with articles on tactics, athletics and nutrition. In addition, the platform offers a video analysis tool that makes it possible to analyze individual game scenes and assign them directly to the respective player profile. All content can be shared quickly and easily via social media with the team, individual players or those responsible.

Laptop view of the Coachbetter app Shown here is the squad planning for an upcoming game

What exactly does Coachbetter offer?

Coachbetter offers a wide range of fully integrated and digital modules. However, the focus of the platform is training planning. Trainers can easily and individually select their exercises and plan their training from a database of over 350 exercises. If you want to save time or have a specific training focus, the platform already offers complete training packages that guarantee targeted training. The exercises are drawn and explained in an easy-to-understand manner and contain several variations, depending on the intensity and participants. In addition, a large part of the exercises can also be reproduced as 3-D animation.

What does the cooperation with 360Football look like?

360Football is a close partner of the Coachbetter platform and, among other things, helps to further develop it. In this way, coaches and players alike should be optimally supported - as with the other 360Football products. Click on the following link to find out more about Coachbetter:

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