1 gegen 1 Übungen Fussball

What are the best 1 on 1 drills in football?

We'll show you the 5 most effective 1-on-1 tricks and the corresponding exercises. Very special tricks may look nice and good, but there's hardly any room for them in a real game. At most, a player like Neymar can leave his opponents standing with an unusual trick. That's exactly why we'll show you the 5 most effective ones below that you can actually use in the game.

1. Body feint

Much loved by Lionel Messi, it is the most effective skill of all when performed with speed. Even though this trick looks simple, you will need a lot of practice to master it perfectly.

2. "Play left, go right"

This trick is best when you are coming at full speed and have some space. You play the ball past the opponent on the left and move past him on the right without the ball. If done correctly, the opponent has almost no chance because he has to turn completely.

3. The Croquet

Here you need a very good technique and timing is very important. You only make the movement when the player stabs effectively. The best way to see what the whole thing looks like is to watch the video below.

4. Simple stepover

When doing a stepover, the deception must be as believable as possible. You must not do the stepover too early, but also not too late. In contrast to the double stepover, we find the single stepover more effective because you can do it more quickly.

5. Lucas Fake

This trick is great when you and your opponent are both standing. You fake a sprint to one side and then go straight to the other with the ball. How you do this is explained in detail in the video.


It is better to practice a few simple tricks correctly than to learn the most unusual ones, which are then effectively useless in the game. If you need coaching from the professionals in this area, attend a one-on-one soccer training or private soccer training at 360Football.

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