Explosivkraft Explosivität traninieren Fussball

How do I become an explosive footballer?

In the last article we discussed speed. Now we will take a closer look at one part of it, the topic of "explosivity", and show you which exercises you can use to become an explosive player. This will help you improve your acceleration, your speed and your jumping power. The results will be amazing if you have never done such exercises regularly before.

Let’s get to the exercises, which we also show in detail in video form.

1. Jump to increase

Jump over a small hurdle with both legs and then immediately onto an elevation. The contact with the ground in between should be as short as possible so that you train your reactive power effectively. You can do 12-15 concentrated repetitions here. The exercise is not strenuous and yet it helps you to target the right muscle fibers.

2. Split squat jumps

This is one of our favorite exercises. You get into a position as if you were doing a lunge. But you put your back leg on a raised surface and then jump as high as possible with your front leg. Do this about 8 times, always with maximum effort. We recommend 3x 8 repetitions per leg.

3. One-legged jumps

In this exercise, you place 4-6 hurdles on the ground about 1-2 meters apart. Then you jump over them on one leg as far and high as possible, using short contact for explosiveness. This will really build up power and also prevent you from getting muscular imbalances. With two-legged exercises, you may end up training one leg more than the other. 5-6 rounds per leg are enough here.

4. Two-legged jumps with stops

Now it's all about building up maximum power from a standing position with both legs. You jump as far as possible, stop and stabilize completely for about a second. Then you jump as far as possible again. 4-5 jumps and 4-6 sets of them are enough.

5. Bonus: Side jumps

As a bonus exercise, we also have special lateral jumps. This exercise is great for becoming a complete athlete, as you train different elements at the same time.


If you need coaching from the professionals in this field, attend a one-on-one soccer training or soccer private training (also called soccer personal training ) at 360Football.

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