Oberkörper Krafttraining Fussball Rudern

The 5 most important upper body strength exercises for footballers

As a footballer, you should train your upper body regularly to be strong in tackles, prevent injuries and become faster. That's why we'll show you the 5 most important strength exercises for the upper body that cover all muscle groups. Of course, you can add many more exercises, but if you do these 5 exercises twice a week, you're already doing very well.

1. Push-ups for footballers

The classic: Push-ups train your chest, shoulders and triceps muscles. It is important that you perform the exercise cleanly and keep your back straight (tension!). We recommend doing as many repetitions as possible 3 times (as long as you do them cleanly).

2. Horizontal rowing

Find a bar that you can pull yourself up on (see video). Alternatively, you can do pull-ups. This will train your upper back muscles, rear shoulder muscles and biceps. Again, do 3 times as many repetitions as you can.

3. Plank front

When doing a front plank (also called a forearm plank), it is important that you keep the tension constant. Start with one minute of exertion and gradually increase it. This exercise trains your stability and core.

4. Side plank

When doing side planks, you train the side abdominal muscles as well as part of the lower back. Start with 30 seconds of exercise per side and then increase the intensity.

5. Plank back

With this exercise you train not only your lower back but also your hamstring muscles (back thigh muscles). Nevertheless, we include it in the upper body exercises because you are training the opposite of what you are training in the previous plank and you therefore do not get any muscular imbalances. Very important! Again, start with 30 seconds of exertion and increase continuously.


Include these exercises in your routine if you need to strengthen your upper body as a football player. If you need coaching from the professionals in this area, visit a Football individual training or Football private training at 360Football - or we will find the right athletic trainer for you.

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