Ernährungsberatung für Fussballer

Nutritional advice for footballers: The key to top performance

Nutrition plays a crucial role in a footballer's life. It not only affects physical performance, but also mental strength and overall health. Optimal nutrition can make the difference between a good player and a great one. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of nutritional advice for footballers and provide insights into how our nutritionist at 360Football can help maximize your performance on the pitch.

Why is nutritional advice so important for footballers ?

Long-term benefits

Professional nutritional advice is essential for footballers because it takes individual needs and goals into account. Once you have acquired knowledge about the right diet, it can be beneficial for a lifetime. The insights and strategies you gain through thorough nutritional advice can have a lasting positive impact on your sporting career.

Optimized performance and regeneration

A well-balanced nutrition plan will help you recover faster and prevent injuries. By getting the right nutrients, you can maintain your energy levels and improve your endurance. This not only leads to better performance on the field, but also to faster recovery after intense training sessions or games.

Personalized nutrition plans

Our nutritionist at 360Football creates personalized nutrition plans that are tailored to your training regime, playing position and personal goals. Whether you want to build muscle mass, improve your endurance or lose weight - we have the right plan for you. Individual nutrition advice takes all aspects of your lifestyle into account and helps you get the most out of your diet.

Sustainable eating habits

A one-time nutrition consultation can give you the tools and knowledge to develop sustainable eating habits. This means that you will not only see short-term results, but also benefit from a healthy diet in the long term. You will learn how to adapt your diet to different life stages and training cycles in order to always perform at the highest level.

Nutritional advice at 360Football

Our nutritional advice at 360Football begins with a thorough initial consultation that includes a comprehensive anamnesis of your eating habits and goals. This forms the basis for our individual advice.

Analysis of eating habits

To best analyze your diet, we ask you to document your food intake for 7-10 days. This allows us to gain a precise insight into your eating habits. Our experts carefully analyze your food records and provide detailed feedback to optimize your diet. We help you make positive changes to increase your performance.

Personalized nutrition plans

For even more support, we offer a precise nutrition plan if required or requested. This serves as a practical guide to take your diet to the next level. As a footballer, it is crucial that you tailor your diet to your needs and goals. We can help you gain the necessary knowledge, answer any questions you may have and show you how you can put this into practice. It's not (just) about strict nutrition plans, but about developing a healthy feeling for how you can achieve and maintain your physical goal with the right diet.

Our nutritionist: Thomas Dürhammer

Introducing Thomas Dürhammer, our nutritionist at 360Football. With extensive experience in the football field, including his role as Head of Nutrition at LASK in the Austrian Bundesliga, Thomas has extensive knowledge and skills. His academic degrees in nutrition and sports science make him an expert in nutrition and performance optimization.

Success stories and testimonials

Our nutritional advice has already helped numerous players improve their performance and achieve their goals.

obias Lawal during the measurement with Thomas Dürhammer during the nutritional consultation of 360Football
Tobias Lawal - LASK and Austrian national team

With the nutritional advice I was able to make massive physical progress and now keep my concentration at the highest level throughout the entire game.

Tobias Anselm at the nutritional advice for footballers from 360Football

Tobias Anselm - Victoria Cologne

Working with Thomas Dürhammer helped me enormously on my way back after an injury. The right nutrition directly after training to replenish reserves or tips on supplements to build muscle better and faster.


Optimal nutrition is essential for footballers to achieve top performance. Our nutritional advice at 360Football offers you the opportunity to individually adapt your diet and thus maximize your athletic performance. Contact us today and find out how our nutritionist can help you reach your full potential!

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